domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010


1 What time did you get up?
at eight o'clock

2 How do you go to school?
in bike

3 what lession do you like?


4 What do you do in the afternoon?
listening to music

5 When you get home?

at half past eight

6what do at night?

talking on phone

7 When you yuor home work?


8 What time do you sleep?
 at one o'clock

i dont and i doesn't

I dont play tennis
My parents dont pay the bills
They dont enter to classes
We dont have a car
I dont play soccer in the morning

She doesnt do sport
My sister doesnt use a car
My cousin doesnt go to the bed at 9 o'clock
My brother doesnt have a car
My sister doesnt play basketball in the afternoon

jueves, 18 de noviembre de 2010

It's kratos, It's a spartan
It's very vindictive,strong and bad.
he likes to kill demons and seducing women..!
 has got a beard
 has got a white skin
 has got a red mark on his body
It gets up at 6:00
It has breakfast at the 11:30
the murderer to the gods of olympus
It goes to his throne as the god of war at night

sábado, 16 de octubre de 2010



First Name:                                       Brandon

Surname:                                         Serrano

Age:                                                 sixteen

Nationality:                                     Mexican


City/Town:                                                       Mexico City

School:                                Cet 1 "Walter Cross Buchanan"

 Teacher:                                         Diana Delgado Rodriguez


I can play the guitar
I can play the basquetball  
I can use the internet


I am interested in music
I am interested in listen music
I am interested in beautiful ladys.


1.How many people are in this class?   

R. = 28

2 How many people are in your class?

R. = 46

3 How many people are in your school?

R. = 900

4 How many people are in your country?

R. = 103 millons

5 Who is your class teacher?

R. = Diana Delgado Rodriguez

6 Who is your hard teacher?

R. = Juan Gabriel Rodriguez Álvarez

7 Who is your best friend?

R. = my best friend is Rikardo

8 Who in your class can play an instrument?

R. = Jose, Elena, Brandon

9 Who in your class can sing?

R. =Ricardo, Antonio, Claudia

10 Who in your class can paint?

R. =brian, Rodrigo, Lluvia

11 Who in your class can act?

R. =antonio, Fernando, Josué

12 Who in your class ride a horse?

R. = in my school nobody

13 Where is Tom from?

R. =Tom is from Toronto, Canada

14 Where is Alex from?

R. =Alex is from Birmingham

15 Where is Lucy from?

R. =Lucy is from Bristol

16 Where is Rajiv from?

R. =Rajiv is from Birmingham

17 Where is your teacher from?

R. =my teacher is from Mexico

18 What things are in your bag?

R. =in my bag are pencils, books, notebooks, pens

19 What things are in your classroom?

R. =in my classroom are Students, bags, chairs, desks

20 What things are in you school?

R. =in my school are pencils, students, teachers, books


Complete the names of the Countries. Use a, e, i, o, or u. And write the Nationalities
Example: Japan Japanese
1. Turkey                                                         Turkish
2. Portugal                                                      Portuguese
3. The United  Kingdom                                 British
4. Argentina                                                    Argentinian
5. France                                                          French

II. Complete the dialogue with the correct form of to be.

A: Hello. My name is Lucy Hill.  I am your teacher.
B: Hello.
A: What is your name?
B: Mark. I am from Australia.
A: Are you from Sydney?
B: No, I am not . I am from Melbourne.
A: And Are your friends Australians, too?
B: No, they arent . Elena is Italian and Dan is American.
A: And I am Irish. We are really international!

III. Write the time in words.
A) 12:00 _It's twelve o'clock
B) 03:50 _It's ten  to four
C) 01:05 _It's one and five
D) 07:15 _It's a quarter past seven
E) 09:45 _It's  quarter to ten
F) 11:30 _It's Eleven and a half 

Answer the following exercises in order to study for the exam!
Good Luck!

sábado, 28 de agosto de 2010

Tarea de Ingles 2

My favourite food is the mexican.
My favourite drink is the strawberry water.

My favourite car is the mustang.

My favourite sport is the basquet ball.

My favourite actor is Vin Diesel.

My favourite singer is Axel Rose.                                         

My favourite day of the week is friday.                                   

My favourite month is march.
My favourite city is New York.                           

miércoles, 25 de agosto de 2010